G, O, HO, N and Z scale trains
By Toys Trains and Other Old Stuff LLC
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Sep 3, 2022
1951 W Division Rd Fowler Indiana 47944, United States
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We have a fantastic selection of trains ranging from Z up to G scale. A large portion of them consist primarily of locomotives, freight and passenger cars with Great Northern livery. Manufacturers to include USA Trains, LGB European and US prototypes, MTH, Lionel, K-Line, Kato, Walthers, Kadee Minitrains and more. We have a Row & Co Gauge 1 brass Big Boy as well as two Aster live steam locos and other fantastic large scale pieces as well as a Retro 1-2-3 Hiawatha steam locomotive and tender in original box. Includes primarily plastic but there will be a few O gauge and about 10-15 brass HO trains in original boxes. There will be a great selection of unused scenery items, some track and controls. Look for a whole day of nothing but nice items to choose from.
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