Teddy art`s & antiques
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The auction house was established by Meggi and Timor Einav
With many years of knowledge and experience in the antiquities industry
The sales house deals with many fields related to collectors - Judaica - Israelinah - art - silverware - gold and silver jewelry - porcellans - photographs and documents - antiques - and more…
In addition, the sales house also handles inheritances and estates and offers reliable and professional service, all in a safe and discreet atmosphere.
The auction house was established by Meggi and Timor Einav
With many years of knowledge and experience in the antiquities industry
The sales house deals with many fields related to collectors - Judaica - Israelinah - art - silverware - gold and silver jewelry - porcellans - photographs and documents - antiques - and more…
In addition, the sales house also handles inheritances and estates and offers reliable and professional service, all in a safe and discreet atmosphere.
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Upcoming auctions
Teddy art`s & antiques - Auction 79
Thursday, Mar 27, 6:00 PM
Live auction
Ended auctions
Teddy art`s & antiques - Auction 5
May 15, 2018
Gold Jewelry & Diamonds, Antiques, Silver, Judaica, Israeliana, Old Photos, Porcelains, Palestine period & Erets Israel, Stanps, Coins&Sunday Envelopes, Far East, Carpets
Teddy art`s & antiques - Auction 2
Dec 28, 2017
Antiques, Silver, Gold & Diamonds jewelry, Judaica & Israelina Porcelains and more...
Teddy art`s & antiques - Auction 1
Nov 26, 2017
Antiques Silver Gold & Diamonds jewelry Judaica & Israelina Porcelains Paintings & Antique photos and more...

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