Auction 51 Part I - Books Chassidism Manuscripts Rabbinical Letters
By Kedem
Jul 11, 2016
8 Ramban St, Jerusalem., Israel
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LOT 151:

Kreiti U'Pleiti - First Edition, Altona 1763 - Signatures and Scholarly Glosses from the Time of Printing

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Sold for: $800
Start price:
$ 600
Buyer's Premium: 23%
VAT: 18% On commission only
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Auction took place on Jul 11, 2016 at Kedem

Kreiti U'Pleiti - First Edition, Altona 1763 - Signatures and Scholarly Glosses from the Time of Printing
Kreiti U'Pleiti, on Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah [including the text], Rabbi Jonathan Eybeschütz. Altona, [1763]. First edition, the only composition by Rabbi Jonathan Eybeschütz printed in his lifetime.
On the margins and endpapers are more than 50 long scholarly glosses and inquiries in Ashkenazi handwriting from the time of printing [end of 18th century]. Their content clearly portrays the Torah stature of the writer, whose opinion in many places does not concur with the words of the author.
On the title page is a signature of "Eli' Ber son of R' Isaac" - who writes: "I have purchased from R' Yisrael Eybeschütz, Av Beit Din of Lichtenstadt… 17th of Elul" (1788). Rabbi Yisrael Eybeschutz, Av Beit Din of Lichtenstadt (died 1811, Otzar HaRabbanim 11827) grandson of the author, who was entrusted by the testament of his grandfather with editing his grandfather's books and printed Part II of Kreiti U'Pleiti on the laws of Nidah.
On the front flyleaf are many handwritten inscriptions and notations: A self-dedication signed "Mordechai Segal of Lissa", resident of the Shotland community, who writes that he received the book as a bar-mitzvah gift from Kupat HaMeshuhrarim ("Fund of the Released") of the Furth community in 1780. Another dedication of the same fund signed "Zeckil son of R' Feivelman, who writes that the book was given to the groom Rabbi Mordechai Lisa Segal. [The name "Meshuhrarim" (released) was given to Yeshiva students who reached a certain independence in their studies and were exempt from regularly attending classes. See: Rabbi Binyamin Shlomo Hamburger, HaYeshiva HaRama BeFiorda, third volume, p. 207]
[3], 35; 165 leaves. 31 cm. Fair condition. Heavy worming to some leaves. Wear and stains. Contemporary worn leather binding.

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