Auction 5 Judaica
By Legacy Judaica
Apr 4, 2019
Freehold Jewish center 59 Broad street, Freehold NJ. 07728, United States
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LOT 20:

L'Bais Yaakov. R. Yaakov Yosef. First Edition. Vilna 1888.

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Sold for: $125
Start price:
$ 125
Buyer's Premium: 20%
VAT: 8.875% On commission only
Auction took place on Apr 4, 2019 at Legacy Judaica

L'Bais Yaakov. R. Yaakov Yosef. First Edition. Vilna 1888.
Novella on the weekly Torah portions by R. Yaakov Yosef, Chief Rabbi of New York.
R. Yaakov Yosef (1841-1902), was a student of R. Yisroel Salanter, and Yeshivas Volozhin. He served as Rav in various cities in Lithuania, and in 1888, while serving as Av Beis Din in Vilna, he accepted a call to be Rav Ha’Kollel (Chief Rabbi) of New York City. Orthodoxy in America at that time was in a dismal state and he faced fierce opposition to his valiant attempts to raise the standards of the kosher meat industry. Although famous as a tremendous scholar, his rabbinical tenure in America was made miserable, and he passed away a broken man. In recent years, many have reported meriting Divine assistance after praying at his grave.
Metz press. 12, 104, 64 pages. 22 cm. Very fine condition. Antique binding.
Opening bid $125

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