Auction 113 Part 3 Day 3 - Fine Art, Ceramics, Metalware & Sculptures
By Auktionshaus Mehlis
Feb 24, 2024
Hammerstraße 30, 8523 Plauen, Germany
The auction has ended

LOT 3714:

Robert Indiana, "Love"
Entwurf 2009, zeitgenössisches Museumsreplikat, unsigniert, Aluminium ...

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Buyer's Premium: 27%
Auction took place on Feb 24, 2024 at Auktionshaus Mehlis

Robert Indiana, "Love"
Entwurf 2009, zeitgenössisches Museumsreplikat, unsigniert, Aluminium gebürstet, stark verkleinerte Version nach dem 1970 entstandenen Monumentalwerk aus Cortenstahl, welches sich vor dem Museum of Art in Indianapolis befindet, altersgemäß gut erhalten, H 8 cm. Künstlerinfo: eigentlich Robert Clark, US-amerikanischer Maler, Graphiker und Plastiker (1928 New Castle, Indiana bis 2018 Vinalhaven), 1942 Umzug nach Indianapolis und Besuch der Arsenal Technical School, ab 1949 Studium am School of the Art Institute, ab 1954 in New York ansässig und hier Kontakt zu Cy Twombly, James Rosenquist und Ellsworth Kelly, 1963 Bekanntschaft mit Andy Warhol, ab 1978 in Vinalhaven ansässig, 1991 bemalte der Künstler ein Stück der Berliner Mauer, 2004 fertigte der Künstler als Erinnerung an die Terroranschläge des 11.9.2001 eine Reihe der sogenannten „Peace Paintings“, Quelle: Wikipedia und Internet.
Robert Indiana, "Love"
Designed in 2009, contemporary museum replica, unsigned, brushed aluminium, greatly reduced version after the monumental work made of Corten steel created in 1970, which is located in front of the Museum of Art in Indianapolis, in good condition for its age, h 8 cm. Artist information: Robert Clark, American painter, graphic artist and sculptor (1928 New Castle, Indiana - 2018 Vinalhaven), moved to Indianapolis in 1942 and attended the Arsenal Technical School, from 1949 studied at the School of the Art Institute, moved to New York in 1954 and came into contact with Cy Twombly, James Rosenquist and Ellsworth Kelly; met Andy Warhol in 1963; moved to Vinalhaven in 1978; painted a section of the Berlin Wall in 1991; in 2004, the artist created a series of so-called "The Berlin Wall" in memory of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.9.2001 the artist produced a series of so-called "Peace Paintings", source: Wikipedia and Internet.

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