Auction 12 Winter Sale! Rare and Special sacred items - A large collection of antique Silver
By Rarity Auction House
Jan 3, 2022
17 Perlman Dr. Suite 204 Spring Valley NY 10977, United States

מכירה היסטורית, על ספרים עתיקים, ספרי חסידות דפוס ראשון

אוסף גדול של ספרים שנדפסו ע"י הצדיקים הקדושים מסלאוויטא זיטאמיר

חפצי קודש של אדמורי"ם מפורסמים

אוסף גדול של כלי כסף עתיקים וחפיצים נדירים

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LOT 22:

Yam shel Shlomo Altona, 1740. First edition / Tzon Kedoshim. Wandsbek, 1729. First Edition / Sefer Zerah Baruch ...

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Sold for: $250
Start price:
$ 250
Buyer's Premium: 22%
Auction took place on Jan 3, 2022 at Rarity Auction House

Yam shel Shlomo Altona, 1740. First edition / Tzon Kedoshim. Wandsbek, 1729. First Edition / Sefer Zerah Baruch, Wandsbek 1730.

Yam shel Shlomo on Tractate Yevamot by Rabbeinu Slomo Luria - the Maharsha"l. Altona, 1740. First edition. 

Tzon Kedoshim. Wandsbek, 1729. First Edition

Novellae on Talmudic tractates from Seder Kodshim by Rabbi Chaim Schorr. Wandsbek, 1729. First edition.

The author Rabbi [Avraham] Chaim Schorr (d. 1632) was the rabbi of Belz; he also authored Torat Chaim on several other tractates. The author wrote the book together with his friend Rabbi Mordechai of Berzhin while they studied Seder Kodshim together in yeshivah.

It is one of the fundamental books on Seder Kodshim. The Chozeh of Lublin's words about the virtues of this book are well-known, and the Chafetz Chaim printed this work in his book Aseifat Zekeinim al Seder Kodshim. Ancient owner's signature on the title page.

[3] 2- 104 leaves, 31 cm. Stefansky, Sifrei Yesod 72.

 Sefer Zerah Baruch, Wandsbek 1730.

חסר חידושי בכורות

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