Incredible vintage promo car and model kits: Day 1
Apr 23, 2022
1951 W Division Rd Fowler Indiana 47944, United States
Incredible collection of vintage promo cars and model kits from two separate collections. The promo cars are from a prominent collector who was very serious about the hobby and went to great lengths to obtain the nicest and hardest to find examples available. there are many 1950's and 60's cars in top condition that are in colors not often seen. A few photos are available on the website page. The second collection is from the midst of the Detroit auto industry and includes some gorgeous promo cars as well as vintage factory sealed model kits, mostly from the 1960's and 70's with a large quantity of very desirable kits from Jo-Han, AMT and MPC. This will be one of our best vintage plastic auction to date and those who follow us know how much great stuff we have sold over the years.
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Start price:
$ 2
Estimated price :
$5 - $100
Buyer's Premium: 15% More details
Auction took place on Apr 23, 2022 at Toys Trains and Other Old Stuff LLC

We will send invoices within 2-3 hours after the end of the auction on Saturday afternoon / evening. Once you pay your invoice, your items will be packed and a separate invoice will be sent through a completely separate system called Shipping Saint. The invoice is sent via email AND text message from and area code 812 number even though our number is 765-409-4679. We are not always available to accept credit card payments over the phone. If you would like to avoid the 3.5% convenience fee, you can pay via check or money order for the cash total due, make your check out to Toystrainsandotheroldstuff LLC or just TTOOS, and send it to 1951 W Division Rd, Fowler, IN 47944.

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