Haggadot Shel Pesach - Without minimum prices! This auction will be executed exclusively through the internet, without live participation
By Winner'S
Feb 22, 2017
Jerusalem, Israel
The auction has ended

LOT 30:

A Collection [5] of Haggadot in the Liturgy of Eidot HaMizrach. Jerusalem, 1941-1958

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Sold for: $10
Start price:
$ 10
Estimated price :
$80 - $120
Buyer's Premium: 25%
VAT: 18% On commission only
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Auction took place on Feb 22, 2017 at Winner'S

A Collection [5] of Haggadot in the Liturgy of Eidot HaMizrach. Jerusalem, 1941-1958

* The book Yemincha Hashem on Pesach, in which the laws of Pesach are compiled (and the order of the Haggadah)...in Hebrew and Farsi. Published by Yechezkel Chaim [son of] Meir HaCohen. Printed by Rafael Chaim HaCohen, Jerusalem, 1941. Otzar HaHaggadot 3848. With the approbation of Rabbi Meir Ben Zion Chai Uziel, and Rabbi Chizkiya Shabtai.

* The Pesach Haggadah Tehillat Yesharim with Shir Hashirim...and bakashot...by Rabbi Y.H,  edited and published by Tzalach Mansour [Eshkol printing press]. Jerusalem, 1947. Otzar HaHaggadot 4037.

* Pesach Haggadah Tehillat Yesharim with an Arabic translation...and bakashot from Lashon Chachamim by Rabbi Y.H. edited and published by Tzalach Mansour, Jerusalem, 1947. Otzar HaHaggadot 4044. Spine is partially detached. Title page is detached. Without an illustration on the right-hand binding. On the back binding is a small illustration of the Western Wall.

* Pesach Haggadah with Arabic and illustrations...and laws in Arabic...and bakashot...by Rabbi Y.H. Tov with additional piyutim. Published by Yerushalmi, [1957], Otzar HaHaggadot 4505.

* Pesach Haggadah according to the Livorno edition with the commentary of Rabbi Abudraham... and the book She'elot U'Teshuvot Min HaShamayim, published by Yosef ben Aharon Chassid, Jerusalem, [1958], Otzar HaHaggadot 4549.

Moderate-fine condition. 

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