Haggadot Shel Pesach - Without minimum prices! This auction will be executed exclusively through the internet, without live participation
By Winner'S
Feb 22, 2017
Jerusalem, Israel
The auction has ended

LOT 510:

Lot of [5] Haggadot and Haggada commentaries, 1624-1904

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Sold for: $40
Start price:
$ 10
Estimated price :
$80 - $120
Buyer's Premium: 25%
VAT: 17% On commission only
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Auction took place on Feb 22, 2017 at Winner'S

Lot of [5] Haggadot and Haggada commentaries, 1624-1904

* Haggada shel Pesach with commentary…Maharal of Prague...Lashon Limudim and Divrei Negidim. Published by Yehuda Yudel Rosenberg, Warsaw, [1905]. Otzar Haggadot 2299. The attribution to the Maharal is apparently the invention of the author. Otzar Haggadot mentions a short title page with the publisher's introduction, which do not appear in this copy.

* Haggada shel Leilei Pesach with commentaries…and translation into Hungarian, by Dr. Fesch Armin…Hagada Szabadsag Unnepunkre.. at the press of Samu Neufeld, 1914. Otzar Haggadot 2592. Commentary also in Hungarian. Missing the last two leaves. A number of leaves at the conclusion are blemished.

* Onze Feetsdagen…door S.A. Rudelsheim, published by Centrale Organisatie voor de Religieuse en Moreele Verheffing der Joden in Nederland. Printed by Van Creveld & Co, 1914. Dutch commentary regarding the holidays and Passover. Detached front jacket.

* Haggada shel Pesach with illustrations by Joseph Budko, Lavit publishing Vienna-Berlin, 1921. Otzar Haggadot 2821. Perhaps missing a leaf before the title page.

* Sefer Erev Pesach, third edition…with the Zecher L'Pesach elucidation by Rabbeinu Chaim Kohen…and large letters and some laws in Arabic by Reuven Agiv…along with the segula of the AR"I with elucidation….Rabbeinu Shimshon of Ostropole. At the press of Avraham Teshuva, Tripoli, [1924]. Otzar Haggadot 2946. Worming holes.

Moderate-fine condition.

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